26/10/2020 (Week 10)
Fann Man Ling - 0344623  (BDCM)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Practical_In-class exercises // Mr. Martin
Lecture & Tutorial // Mr. Fauzi


Creating Cyborg (Part 2)
In today's class, Mr. Martin showed us a further demo of cyborg editing for our Project 2a: Making yourself to partly cyborg.

Fig 1:Practical Notes_Week 10

We were tasked to add robotic elements to the geisha's face and back.

Fig 2: Photo given

Skin (Synthetic skin):
1. Duplicate the geisha image by using CTRL+J, mask out the skin using Quick Selction tool and brush to mask out the eyes.
2. Apply 'surface blur' filter to the skin, and reduced tremendously its contrast by adding an adjustment layer.

Face (Mechanic):
3. Duplicate the geisha layer and merge the rest layers. Then, mask out the skin by using pen tool, press CTRL+Enter to select marching ant line, and press CTRIL+SHIFT+J to cut paste it.
4. Apply texture by adjusting Bevel & Emboss, and Drop Shadow in Blending Option.
5. Open the machinery image, free transform to adjust its size and angle. Then, place it under the geisha layer.
6. Apply 'Drop Shadow' from Blending Options to add shadow to the cut-out skin.
7. Create new layer to add edges to her face (the surrounding of the hole) with brush (5px, hardness 100%), select the colour and add noise. Additionally, add shadow by paint around the hole with brush set black colour and 'Gaussian Blur' applied in another new layer.

Back (Plug):
8. Mask out plug image, apply 'Pinch' and move it to main page.
9. Apply 'Softlight' blending mode and adjust its Blending option to apply texture on it.
10. Draw oval shape using Elliptical Marquee tool on her back in a new layer, and then use pen tool to draw skin edges (cyborg lines) with CTRL+Click to finish the line to start different line.
11. Fill the stroke with brush (10 pix, harness 100%) then delete the stroke, load selection by CTRL+Click the layer, and apply mask.
12. Adjust its Bevel & Emboss in Blending option.

Back (Circuit board):
13. Open the circuit board image, resize with wrap tool and place under geisha layer. Then, use stamp tool to clone and paste to the area that didn't covered by the circuit.
14. Create new layer and apply radial gradient with blue and red colour options. Then, select 'Screen' blending mode and adjust its opacity for final touch.


Fig 3: Geisha cyborg_Final .jpg (26/10/2020)


Synthetic Skin Design (Youtube)

Pespective Fixing in Photoshop (Youtube)

Vignette Effect in Photoshop (Youtube)

Colour Grading in Photoshop (Youtube)


In today's class, Mr. Fauzi showed us a demo about the basics of After Effect and Premiere Pro so that we can have a clear picture of animating our work of Project 3.


We were asked to submit our 50% - 80% progress of our composition of Final Project 3 on Google Classroom.
