DPI // Project 2A


21.09.2020 - 09.11.2020 (Week 5 - Week 12)
Fann Man Ling - 0344623 (BCDM)
Digital Photography and Imaging // Mr. Martin
Project 2A : Photo Manipulation


Week 5: Sketch & Rationale of Cyborg Idea

Week 6: Photography for Cyborg Idea

Week 7: Review on Photoshoot for Project 2A idea.

Week 8: No class (ILW)

Week 9: Cyborg Editting Demo 1

Week 10: Cyborg Editting Demo 2

Week 11: Submission of Project 2A

Week 12: Feedback given on final submission work


Module Information Booklet

In this project, we were required to make ourselves into partly cyborg.

Fig 1 : Moodboard (Source of Images: Pinterest)



WEEK 6 // 28.09.2020
I wish to have several cyborgs on my body. I wish to possess a cyborg brain that allows me to instantly learn and understand the workings and mechanics of anything without the need of long-term education. In other words, a fast learning function. Additionally, I want two cyborgs installed on my back that are flexible to stretch as it certainly can make my life easier. Plus, a pair of cyborg legs with wheels that enable me to move faster would be better as I’ve always wanted to reach a destination in no time since I always rush to work and class.

Fig 2 : Sketch of idea


To make the process clear, I've decided to show the transformation process in 3 seperate parts (Face, Arm, Finishing touches).


Initially, I cropped my face from the original photo by using Quick Selection tool, then placed it to another library photo that I took from Google and flipped it horizontally. Moving on to the editing part, I applied surface blur effect on the quick selected face and arm to make them like a synthetic skin. Then, I made a small part of face that popped out of it, just like Mr. Martin taught in the class. 

Fig 3.1 : Turning face into cyborg process


I applied the same effect like what I've done to the Face previously. Then, I did the lines on both my face and arm. I used the pen tool to draw out the line in a new layer, applied brush strokes, and adjusted the Bevel & Emboss in the Blending Option to make effects on it.

Below are the components that show inside the face and arm:

Fig 3.2 - 3.3 : Inner Face for face and arm (Source: given by Mr. Martin)

To further improving the photo effect, I decided to add some hologram effects that can clearly present my cyborg ability (high and fast learning skill in absorbing tons of information).

Firstly, I made separately the hologram effect that appeared on the book and the button at my head. I created shape for both at the beginning, then applied Filter-Distort-Polar Coordinates to make the 2D shape become rounded like 3D result. For the hologram showing information Fig 3.4, I copied and pasted the shaped and I added straight line and cubes and placed them at the shapes. Moreover, I also applied Motion Blur to specific shape to perfect the effect.

Fig 3.4 - 3.5 : Hologram (Learned from this Youtube tutorial video)

After that, I placed them into the photo, and applied 'Screen' blending mode.

Fig 3.6 - 3.7 : Hologram effect


In order to make the photo towards Sci-Fi effect, I decided to reduce the brightness and change the tone of image to colder colour. To do this, firstly, I adjusted various options in the Camera Raw which can be found on the Filter options.

Fig 4.1 : Camera Raw (Learned from this Youtube tutorial video)

Secondly, I used eraser to erase the part that light might be shined on. Thirdly, I used brush tool with the colour to colour the light to make a glowing effect. Fourthly, I put another photo of blue light that I found online Fig 4.2 at the hologram effect appeared on book, and then applied 'Colour Dodge' blending modes to blend it, making it even brighter. Finally, I used black-coloured brush tool with reduced opacity to add shadow to the background.

Fig 4.2 : Blue light (Source: Google)

Fig 4.3 : Sci-fi effect editing process

1st result:

Fig 5 : First Attempt (04/11/2020)

After feedback given by Mr. Martin, I decided to increase the brightness of the photo, as I figured it will make more sense that I reading book in a library with normal light surrounding.

Final Work:

Fig 6: Project 2a_Final. jpg (12/11/2020)


Week 11
Mr. Martin liked my progression and idea Fig 3.1. He then suggested me to adjust the tone of the photo to colder colour as it was too warm as a sci-fi theme.

Week 12
Mr. Martin advised me to brighten up my face Fig 5  as it's quite dark in the image.


I had a lot of fun in doing this project. It was interesting to turn myself into cyborg and do this kind of futuristic work. I learned some new features in Photoshop such as the Camera Raw and Motion blur through doing this project, and I believe it's going be tremendously helpful for my future exercises.


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